
Whooper Swan family

Artist: David Bennett. Whooper Swan Family
£ 750.00 each
1 item in stock

Artist: David Bennett
Title: Whooper Swan family 

Medium: Original Watercolour
Image Size: 20" x 12" Overall Size: 27.1/2" x 19"

Price: £750
Free Delivery Within The UK Mainland

Biography: David Bennet
David Bennett's work encompasses his love of British wildlife from around his home patch of North Yorkshire to the furthest points of the British Isles. He uses a variety of mediums including watercolours, pastels, acrylics and oils to capture birds, mammals and landscapes.
Bennett uses a variety of mediums including watercolours, pastels, acrylics and oils on a wide range of papers and boards.

His sketches, paintings and drawings derive from his experiences with nature, wildlife and the landscapes in which they live. Experiencing these things first hand, sketching and painting them in location, allows him to capture their energy and essence.

1969 Born on 11 December in Doncaster, South Yorkshire1989-92 BA (Hons) Graphics/Illustration, Leeds Polytechnic1993-95 MA Natural History Illustration & Ecological Studies, Royal College of Art, London 1995- Freelance Artist and Illustrator

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Est: 1989

7-9 Castlegate, Tickhill, Doncaster DN11 9QP
TEL: 01302 751199
Open: Tuesday-Saturday 9.30pm -5pm
Contact Us: infodaviefineart@gmail.com

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